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A算法总结(Summary of the A Method)

A算法总结(Summary of the A Method)

  1. 把起点加入 open list 。

  2. 重复如下过程: a. 遍历 open list ,查找 F 值最小的节点,把它作为当前要处理的节点。 b. 把这个节点移到 close list 。 c. 对当前方格的 4 个相邻方格的每一个方格判断处理

    1. 如果它是不可抵达的或者它在 close list 中,忽略它。否则,做如下操作。 2. 如果它不在 open list 中,把它加入 open list ,并且把当前方格设置为它的父亲,记录该方格的 F , G 和 H 值。 3.如果它已经在 open list 中,检查这条路径 ( 即经由当前方格到达它那里 ) 是否更好,用 G 值作参考。更小的 G 值表示这是更好的路径。如果是这样,把它的父亲设置为当前方格,并重新计算它的 G 和 F 值。如果你的 open list 是按 F 值排序的话,改变后你可能需要重新排序。
  3. 停止

    1. 把终点加入到了 open list 中,此时路径已经找到了
    2. 查找终点失败,并且 open list 是空的,此时没有路径
  4. 保存路径。从终点开始,每个方格沿着父节点移动直至起点,这就是你的路径。




❗ 代码目前仍有bug, 目前已知bug: 1. 最终显示的路线不是最短路线。 2. 出发后在第一格有概率直接退出 ❗ 在Linux上运行 运行:

g++ main.cpp -o app ./app
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> int steps = 0; namespace MapFunction { using MapItem = std::string; using MapContainer = std::vector<std::vector<MapItem>>; const int MapSize = 20; int BlockCount = 110; const MapItem BlockItem = "\033[93m⊞\033[0m"; const MapItem TargetItem = "\033[92m⊡\033[0m"; const MapItem RoleItem = "\033[91m■\033[0m"; const MapItem SpaceItem = " "; const MapItem PathItem = "\033[94m■\033[0m"; const MapItem ProgressItem = "\033[97m■\033[0m"; struct Point { int x; int y; }; Point StartPoint; Point EndPoint; MapContainer MissionMap(MapSize); Point _m_RandomGen() { srand(time(NULL)); int x = rand() % MapSize; int y = rand() % MapSize; while (MissionMap[y][x] != SpaceItem) { x = rand() % MapSize; y = rand() % MapSize; } Point temp; temp.x = x; temp.y = y; return temp; } void _m_MapItemSet(const Point &pos, const MapItem &item) { MissionMap[pos.y][pos.x] = item; } void _m_SetItemPos() { EndPoint = _m_RandomGen(); _m_MapItemSet(EndPoint, TargetItem); StartPoint = _m_RandomGen(); _m_MapItemSet(StartPoint, RoleItem); Point temp; if (BlockCount > (MapSize - 1) * (MapSize - 1)) BlockCount = MapSize / 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < BlockCount; i++) { temp = _m_RandomGen(); _m_MapItemSet(temp, BlockItem); } } void MapInit() { for (int i = 0; i < MapSize; i++) { MissionMap[i].resize(MapSize); } for (int i = 0; i < MapSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MapSize; j++) { MissionMap[i][j] = SpaceItem; } } _m_SetItemPos(); } void _m_FlushDelay() { usleep(100000); } void MapFlush(bool flag) { if(flag){ std::cout << "\033c"; MissionMap[EndPoint.y][EndPoint.x] = TargetItem; MissionMap[StartPoint.y][StartPoint.x] = RoleItem; for (int i = 0; i < MapSize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < MapSize; j++) { std::cout << MissionMap[i][j] << " "; } std::cout << "│\n"; } for (int i = 0; i < MapSize; i++) std::cout << "──"; std::cout << "┘\n"; std::cout << steps++ << std::endl; _m_FlushDelay(); } } } // namespace MapFunction namespace AStarFunction { using namespace MapFunction; constexpr int PathCost = 10; class MyPoint { public: int F, G, H; int x, y; bool isWalked; public: bool operator==(const MyPoint &pos) { return (pos.x == x && pos.y == y); } void SetH(const MyPoint &cur, const MyPoint &end) { H = PathCost * (abs(cur.x - end.x) + abs(cur.y - end.y)); } void SetG(int num) { G = num; } void SetF() { F = G + H; } }; class TreeNode { public: // curren Point MyPoint pos; // container to store one or one more child point std::vector<TreeNode *> pChildNode; // parent Node; TreeNode *pParent; int TreeLength; public: TreeNode(const MyPoint &next) { pos = next; pParent = nullptr; } }; enum Dir { cur_up, cur_down, cur_left, cur_right }; // check border and block bool walkCheck(const MapContainer &box, const MyPoint &pos) { if (pos.y < 0 || pos.x < 0 || pos.y >= MapSize || pos.x >= MapSize) { return false; } if (box[pos.y][pos.x] == TargetItem) { return true; } // if (box[pos.y][pos.x] == BlockItem || box[pos.y][pos.x] == RoleItem) if (box[pos.y][pos.x] != SpaceItem) { return false; } return true; } void StartAStar() { MapFunction::MapInit(); MyPoint StartPos; StartPos.x = StartPoint.x; StartPos.y = StartPoint.y; MyPoint EndPos; EndPos.x = EndPoint.x; EndPos.y = EndPoint.y; // root init TreeNode *pRoot = new TreeNode(StartPos); pRoot->pParent == nullptr; pRoot->TreeLength = 0; TreeNode *pCur = pRoot; TreeNode *pTemp = nullptr; std::vector<TreeNode *> buff; std::vector<TreeNode *> FinishList; std::vector<TreeNode *> OpenList; bool FindFlag = false; while (1) { if (pCur != nullptr) { // check all directions and sava the direction that can move to; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pTemp = new TreeNode(pCur->pos); switch (i) { case cur_up: pTemp->pos.y--; break; case cur_down: pTemp->pos.y++; break; case cur_left: pTemp->pos.x--; break; case cur_right: pTemp->pos.x++; break; default: break; } if (walkCheck(MissionMap, pTemp->pos)) { if (pTemp->pos == EndPos) { buff.clear(); } pCur->pChildNode.push_back(pTemp); pTemp->pParent = pCur; pTemp->TreeLength = pCur->TreeLength + 1; pTemp->pos.SetG(PathCost); pTemp->pos.SetH(pTemp->pos, EndPos); pTemp->pos.SetF(); buff.push_back(pTemp); if (pTemp->pos == EndPos) { break; } // MissionMap[pTemp->pos.y][pTemp->pos.x] = ProgressItem; } else { delete pTemp; pTemp = nullptr; } } } // push qualified data into openlist and clean buffer list. for (auto it = buff.begin(); it != buff.end(); ++it) { OpenList.push_back(*it); } buff.clear(); if (OpenList.size() > 0) { /* code */ // find all minimum score auto minF = OpenList.begin(); for (auto it = OpenList.begin(); it != OpenList.end(); ++it) { minF = (*minF)->pos.F < (*it)->pos.F ? minF : it; } pCur = *minF; OpenList.erase(minF); MissionMap[pCur->pos.y][pCur->pos.x] = ProgressItem; if (pCur->pos == EndPos) { FindFlag = true; FinishList.push_back(pCur); pCur = nullptr; break; } MapFunction::MapFlush(true); if (OpenList.size() == 0) { break; } } } if (FindFlag) { auto MinSize = FinishList.begin(); for (auto it = FinishList.begin(); it != FinishList.end(); ++it) { MinSize = (*MinSize)->TreeLength < (*it)->TreeLength ? MinSize : it; } auto pTemp2 = *MinSize; while (pTemp2->pParent != nullptr) { MissionMap[pTemp2->pos.y][pTemp2->pos.x] = PathItem; pTemp2 = pTemp2->pParent; } MapFunction::MapFlush(true); } } } // namespace A int main(int argc, char **argv) { AStarFunction::StartAStar(); return 0; }



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